We have to implement a json parser (in less than 100 lines) that can parse arbotrary json string with the following limitations:
- json primitives can be types: number, string
- json data structures - list and dict which can be arbitrary nested
- we don’t support whitespaces between tokens.
- we don’t support escape codes in strings.
Examples of the correct parse for some json strings:
-> 123
-> "123"
-> [1,2,"a"]
(python list)
Remember, json strings are always double quoted. So in the second example, we are given a string which is further enclosed in double quotes and hence we must return a python string as output.
How does the parser work?
The driver function and the starting point of this parser is the parse function. Parse function looks at the first character of its input and simply calls the corresponding functions. The semantics of the parse function and other {{ htmlEscape parse_ }} functions are as follows:
- input is string
- output is a two element array where:
- first element is the data structure for the parsed input string
- second element is a string which is the part of the input string which has not been parsed
To give you a few example:
parse('123abc') = (123, "abc")
Here once the non-digit corrects are encounterd, the parsing stops and the remaining string is returned in the second part of the output.
parse('"123"abc') = ("123", "abc")
Here the parsing stops once the the closing double quote (") is encountered and the rest of string is returned as it is.
- We have given the implementation of parse_number as an example. Try implementing the parse_string function first and then move on to list and finally dict.
- you should never need to call {{ htmlEscape parse_ }} function from another {{ htmlEscape parse_ }} function
- For the list implementation, we need to parse arbitrary values inside lists and even nested lists of lists containing dictionaries.
- But we already have a function which can parse arbitrary values. So you shouldn’t have to parse values inside list.
- parse_list function is about 10-15 lines of code. If you are writing more you are doing it wrong!